Ebook Marketing

Ebook Marketing Services in Canada & US

Our ebook marketing services are backed by the team of marketing strategists we have on staff. When you combine that with the seven editors, 19 ghostwriters, plus 8 graphic designers that round out our business, you’ll see why we have an ever-expanding list of satisfied clients who use our e-book marketing and other services.

Keeping up with all of the modern trends including e-books and audio books are just part of what separates us from the competition. Here at The Ultimate Publishing House, we understand that the book enhances your exposure and credibility to your target market. Becoming the brand of choice in your particular field is always top of mind for entrepreneurs, small businesses, and professionals.


We take the time to carefully put together ebook marketing plan that will make a difference. In many cases, the strategies and techniques that we use will give you a significant amount of exposure in front of your book’s publication date. It’s this kind of preamble and forward-thinking momentum that make us an industry leader in the publishing field.

There are some distinct advantages to using our unique and customized e-book marketing campaigns. Some of the spin off bonuses include becoming a keynote speaker, which further enhances your credibility in your field. Publishing one of these books and having it appear in front of the right people also presents opportunities to write articles for major publications, as well as appearing on the kind of TV and radio interviews that make a difference to your public profile.


Our publishing house is all about taking the vision that you have for your book and making it a reality. We offer a comprehensive full-service program that includes e-book marketing and distribution as well as publicity and graphic design specialists. Ultimate Publishing House has you covered in every area of the book publishing process.

Speaking of credibility, you can scroll through our website to see some of the top-notch publications where our services have been featured. They include the Financial Post as well as ABC and NBC news. These are just a few of the people who understand the value of our comprehensive and thorough publishing services that include e-book marketing.


Why not get in touch with us today? The sooner you do, the easier it will be to craft your vision into a marketing strategy that can boost your bottom line. Successful e-book marketing is just a click away.